Fruit-picking pay win could put Australians back to work on farms

By Mike FoleyUpdated November 4, 2021 â€" 4.43pmfirst published at 11.50am

The Australia Workers Union hopes more Australians will go into farm work after a historic victory at the Fair Work Commission, which ordered that every farm worker in the country was entitled to the minimum casual pay rate of $25.41 per hour rather than rates as low as $3 an hour.

The commission found against the current piece-rate pay arrangements, whereby workers are paid based only on the amount of fruit or vegetables they harvest. The AWU hopes higher wages could entice more Australians to join the farm labour workforce, which is dominated by migrants.

The Australian Workers Union has claimed a significant victory for fruit pickers.

The Australian Workers Union has claimed a significant victory for fruit pickers.Credit:Louie Douvis

The piece rate arrangement was “not fit for purpose” and unfair, the commission said, finding that employers had engaged in widespread exploitation of workers.

“The totality of the evidence presents a picture of significant underpayment of pieceworkers in the horticulture industry when compared to the minimum award hourly rate,” the commission’s ruling said.

Depending on the quality of annual crops each year, there are between 100,000 to 130,000 workers covered by the Horticulture Award. The ruling imposes a minimum floor price that growers must pay to workers, which can be complemented with additional piece rates to reward hard work.

AWU national secretary Daniel Walton said “fruit pickers in Australia have been routinely and systemically exploited and underpaid”.

“I believe this decision ranks among the great victories of our union’s 135-year history,” Mr Walton said. “I could retire a happy man today.”

There are widespread reports of workers effectively being paid just $3 an hour, Mr Walton said, and the new minimum wage “could bring a lot more young Australians into this industry in places like Bundaberg with high unemployment and lots of horticulture”.

Employer representative groups argued to keep piece rates, including the Australian Fresh Produce Alliance, the National Farmers Federation and peak employer representative Australian Industry Group.

Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud said he respected the commission’s role as the “independent umpire” and he would make an assessment of the ruling in the near future.

“It’s not a government decision. But there’s still a process that allows stakeholders a varying view and they’ve got until November 26 to challenge the decision,” Mr Littleproud said.

National Farmers Federation president Tony Mahar said an “overwhelming number of farmers” pay fair wages and the new minimum wage could eat into growers’ profit margins and prevent them from rewarding productive workers with high piece rates.

“The increase in wage costs, most farm’s largest input, threatens to make the most productive workers unaffordable.”

A report based on a five-year investigation by the Fair Work Ombudsman found in 2018 that 56 per cent of the 8000 horticulture farms with employees had underpaid 2503 workers by a total of $1 million, a figure which the Ombudsman said was a conservative estimate.

A joint study by the universities of Adelaide and Sydney, Towards a Durable Future, found in 2019 that while some workers earned high wages on piece rates in certain circumstances, it was common to find “extremely low piece rates based on an inflated assumption of the competency of the average worker”.

The report’s lead author, Adelaide University academic Joanna Howe, welcomed the commission’s decision, which she said would help the mostly migrant workforce that travelled to Australia on working visas.

But she warned it may create new problems for the estimated 60,000 to 100,000 undocumented workers, who are in Australia illegally with many working on farms around the country.

The Blue Harvest report on blueberry farms on the NSW Coffs Coast by the McKell Institute, commissioned by the AWU, said the lack of a minimum floor price in the horticulture award allowed employers to manipulate the piece rates offered to pickers to minimise their wages.

“The ability of employers to reset piece rates each working day enables some employers to sustain low rates of pay for employees, irrespective of the fruit condition, while citing ‘market rates’ as a justification,” the report said.

Mr Walton said the minimum casual rate for fruit pickers would help migrant workers, who often lack good English language skills, to check their pay packet to “understand if they’re being ripped off”.

“From now on if you’re making less than $25 an hour fruit picking in Australia your boss is breaking the law and stealing from you.”

Mike Foley is the climate and energy correspondent for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.Connect via Twitter or email.

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